Hovingham Primary School

Welcome to

Hovingham Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Personal Development

Personal Development




At Hovingham our purpose is to give our children the best experiences that we can, and we believe that personal growth and character development are integral parts of our curriculum offer. Through our values of Respect, Tolerance, Perseverance and Creativity, we aim to ensure that our children have a strong sense of belonging and connection, feel represented and equal, and have the tools needed to become confident communicators. We understand the unique challenges faced by children in modern Britain and our aim is to enable them to become responsible, resilient, and well-rounded individuals who can positively contribute to their communities and thrive in an ever-changing world.

We prioritise the emotional and mental well-being of our children, by creating a nurturing and supportive environment where they feel safe, valued, and respected. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships to ensure our children can keep themselves safe and well, both physically and mentally. Through our PSHE lesson, assemblies, workshops, focus weeks etc, we empower students to develop healthy coping strategies, build resilience, and maintain positive mental health.

Our personal development offer encompasses a range of exciting opportunities and experiences designed to support students' social, emotional, and cognitive development such as:


    • Visits from the fire station, the local PSCOs, banks etc.
    • Work with the local community, especially Catch
    • Library visits
    • Residentials 
    • School performances 
    • Themed days and weeks such as Anti-bullying week, mental health awareness week, safer internet day etc.
    • Attending a range of sporting events as swimming, Bikeability

SMSC, the protected characteristics, and British Values are woven throughout our curriculum. We celebrate the rich diversity within our school community and aim to cultivate cultural and global awareness. Through a wide range of experiences and opportunities, we provide students with the chance to explore their own beliefs, values, and cultural heritage, while also developing an appreciation for the diversity and values of others. We encourage them to reflect on moral and ethical issues, fostering empathy, and a sense of social responsibility. We actively challenge discrimination and prejudice, creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, safe, and supported. We uphold and promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths, beliefs, and cultures. Through our curriculum, assemblies, and school ethos, we provide opportunities for students to understand and appreciate these values. We encourage active participation, teach students about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, and develop their understanding of democratic processes and the importance of respecting the law. By integrating SMSC development, promoting respect for protected characteristics, and instilling British values through our curriculum offer, we ensure that our children receive a well-rounded education that prepares them to be responsible, respectful, and active members of society.

Oracy is a key component of our curriculum offer at Hovingham. By incorporating a range of oracy activities such as discussions, role play, debates and ‘crunch moments’ into our lessons, we empower students to develop strong character traits and moral awareness. They learn to make ethical decisions, demonstrate integrity, and understand the importance of kindness and compassion. Through the use of Restorative Practise, we strive to instil a sense of personal responsibility in our students. We foster a culture of accountability, where they learn to take ownership of their actions, make informed choices, and understand the impact of their decisions on themselves and others. All of which will guide them towards becoming confident, resilient, and compassionate individuals who are prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

As part of our aspiration’s curriculum, we believe in nurturing leadership skills and providing our children with opportunities to take on leadership roles within the school community. Through roles such as student council representatives, mental health ambassadors, anti-bullying ambassadors etc, the children develop confidence, responsibility, and the ability to work collaboratively. We encourage them to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute positively to their school and wider community.

As the community around us is forever changing, we will be proactive, responsive and adaptive with our curriculum to meet the needs of our children. We will ensure that our curriculum will build on the children's own experiences, skills and knowledge allowing them successfully to transition to life beyond Hovingham.


What will this look like in the classroom?

Our teaching sequence, through the 5A model, will:

Aim: The learning sequence is deconstructed and shared with the children.


Activate: Lessons will start with a recap of learning from previous lessons, using retrieval practice activities such as quizzes, recalls, scenarios and reminders. Key vocabulary will be revisited. 


Acquire: Through modelling of skills including key teaching steps and key vocabulary, teachers will explicitly teach the new vocabulary and the meaning to children and scaffold new  learning and skills. 


Apply: Teachers will provide Crunch moments, promote debate, discussion and presentation of their thoughts, values and new learning. Children will explore the connections to today’s learning to other subjects and experiences outside the classroom and beyond the school gates. 


Assess: Crunch moments – what would you do... now that you know?


Governors will:

The governing body as a whole plays an active role in monitoring, developing and reviewing the policy and its implementation in school.

There is a named link governor (Colin Noble) for PSHE who works closely with, and in support of, the lead member of staff.

When aspects of Personal Development appear in the School Improvement Plan, a governor will be assigned to reflect on, monitor and review the work as appropriate.


The Strategic lead will:

Ensure that the Personal Development policies, practices are in place.

Ensure that there is effective reporting to Governing body around the impact and evaluation of personal development.

Ensure it remains a priority amongst leaders.


The Personal Development lead will:

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Personal Development curriculum.

Capture pupil voice around the effectiveness of the PD curriculum,
including behaviour and attitudes.

Provide termly feedback to leaders about next steps.

Ensure that all staff are given regular and ongoing training on issues relating to Personal Development and how to deliver lessons on such issues

Provide support to staff members who feel uncomfortable or ill-equipped to deal with the delivery of PSHE / Personal Development.


Leaders will:

 Ensure that all staff are up to date with policy changes, and familiar with school policy and guidance relating to Personal Development.

Ensure that Personal Development is age appropriate and needs-led across all year groups; this means ensuring that the curriculum develops as the pupils do and meets their needs.

Support parent/carer involvement in the development of the Personal Development curriculum.

Ensure that their personal beliefs, values and attitudes will not prevent them from providing balanced Personal Development in school.

Communicate freely with staff, parents/carers and the governing body to ensure that everyone is in understanding of the school policy and curriculum for PSHE, and that any concerns or opinions regarding the provision at the school are listened to, taken into account and acted on as is appropriate.

Ensure that provision of Personal Development at home is complementary to the provision the school provides and communicate to parents/carers any additional support available where necessary or requested.

Ensure that the knowledge and information regarding Personal Development to which all pupils are entitled is provided in a comprehensive way.


All staff will:


Ensure that they are up to date with school policy and curriculum requirements regarding Personal Development.

Attend and engage in professional development training around Personal Development provision, including individual and whole staff training/inset, where appropriate.

Attend staff meetings to be introduced to any new areas of work and review the effectiveness of the approaches used.

Report back to the Personal Development lead on any areas that they feel are not covered or inadequately provided for in the school’s provision. 

Encourage pupils to communicate concerns regarding their social, personal and emotional development in confidence and listen to their needs and support them seriously.

Follow the school’s reporting systems if a pupil comes to a member of staff with an issue that they feel they are not able to deal with alone.

Ensure that their personal beliefs and attitudes will not prevent them from providing balanced Personal Development in school.

Tailor their lessons to suit all pupils in their class, across the whole range of abilities, faiths, beliefs and cultures, including those pupils with special educational needs.

Ask for support in this from the school SEND coordinator or the Personal Development lead, should they need it.