Hovingham Primary School

Welcome to

Hovingham Primary School

  1. Info for Parents
  2. Safeguarding


Hovingham Primary gives the highest importance to the safeguarding and welfare of our children. The governors, Principal and team will carry out their responsibilities efficiently, effectively and diligently to ensure that our school is a safe and happy learning environment for your children.

Everyone at Team Hovingham is aware of their responsibility to keep our children safe. All staff attend regular child protection training and receive weekly safeguarding and child protection briefings and adhere to our staff code of conduct.

Hovingham's Safeguarding Team

For all safeguarding issues or concerns regarding children, please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads below:

If you have a safeguarding concern about an adult in school, please speak to Kellie Halliday, Principal & DSL and in her absence contact Reeshka Adams, PA to Principal making it explicit you have a concern about an adult.

If you have a safeguarding concern about the Principal, you must contact the Chair of Governors, Shelagh Henderson by emailing Shelagh.henderson@hovingham.org

Operation Encompass


St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley - Safeguarding

Hovingham Primary takes part in the Operation Encompass program, which is involves a partnership between schools and local police forces. This initiative focuses on safeguarding children who may have been exposed to domestic abuse. The program involves a partnership between schools and local police forces. This involves the police informing the school's safeguarding lead when a child has been present or involved in a domestic abuse incident. This allows our school staff to provide appropriate support and understanding to the child, helping them through any difficulties that may arise due to the situation and providing a supportive and nurturing environment for children who offering them a safe space to discuss their feelings and concerns, and ensuring they receive the necessary support to help them cope with any distress they may be experiencing.


Online safety

We know and understand the potential safeguarding risks associated with internet use, at Hovingham we aim to promote a safe and positive online environment by providing comprehensive information about online safety and supporting you as parents and your children. This includes include various aspects of online safety, guidance, and resources to promote responsible and secure online behaviour. 


Safeguarding within the Curriculum

At Hovingham, we have developed a bespoke safeguarding curriculum  which has been designed carefully and shaped to meet the needs of the school community through pupil, staff and parent voice as well as close links within the community.  We identify the safeguarding knowledge, skills and attributes our pupils need to navigate through life during their time at Hovingham  and beyond.  Please read more under the PSCHE under the Curriculum drop down menu.  


Guidelines and Policies

Please refer to policies which outline internet use, detailing acceptable behaviours and the consequences of inappropriate use.

Acceptable Use Policy 2023 – 2024

Online Safety Policy 2023 - 24

Acceptable Use Agreements - Parents/Carers and Pupils - once signed please return to hovingham@hovingham.org 

Resources for Parents

The following information includes guidance on setting parental controls, monitoring online activities, and having conversations about online safety at home.

Safeguarding Handbook for Parents 2023 - 2024

E-Safety Flyer 2024

Online safety within the Curriculum

We use Project Evolve resources to custom build on our online safety curriculum. Further information can be seen in the computing curriculum and PSHCE curriculum.

Cyberbullying Prevention

Cyber-bullying takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging, apps or gaming sites. Like other forms of bullying, it is the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Please see our behaviour policy (under the policy menu) for further information.

Support and Reporting

Children are taught and shown how to report inappropriate online behaviour or content both within school environment and on external platforms. Parents should report any concerns to Hovingham’s safeguarding team or Mrs Halliday.

Online Safety Events or Workshops

Information about events or workshops related to online safety that the school might host, where students, parents, or staff can learn more about staying safe online.

External Resources

Links or recommendations to external resources or organizations dedicated to online safety, which offer further guidance and support.


Should you have any safeguarding concern, you can report a concern here: